Classifieds in Alice Springs, Northern Territory
- 46 Cars
- 9 Car parts
- 9 Bicycles
- 11 Trailers & Mobile homes
- 10 Motorcycles and Parts
- 8 Art & Antiques
- 8 Kids’ products & Toys
- 3 Clothes
- 14 Garden & House
- 10 Furniture
- 8 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
Leisure Time & Hobbies

$ 500
Brand New Unlocked Apple iPhone 4G 64GB ......$ 500
Brand New Unlocked Apple iPhone 4G 64GB ......$ 500
Phone (4G 64GB Apple iPhone) opened a new, sealed in the box...
$ 350
Unlocked Apple iPhone 4G HD 32GB
Height:4.5 inches (115.2 mm)
Width:2.31 inches (58.6 mm)
Depth:0.37 inch (9.3 mm)
Weight:4.8 ounces (137 gramsrs)...
$ 720
Apple iPhone 4G HD 32GB (Factory Unlocked)
The New iPhone 4G with HD is the thinnest, highest resolution, best camera, HD video recording, video calling,...